Shipping & Claims Policy


Order processing takes 48 – 72 hours (not including public holidays) to take place after payment is successful.

After order processing is fulfilled, order will be delivered through our partner courier service and a photo of the Waybill with the tracking number will be sent to our respective customers.





We ONLY accept Dead On Arrival (DOA) claims within 24 hours of arrival. Please submit claims through the following steps:



1)      Full bag dead on arrival – Please take a video of bag that is completely dead on arrival.

         Bags must remain sealed and in their original packaging.

         整个袋子的鱼已死 - 请记录下整个袋子的鱼已死亡的影片,死鱼必须是在原本的袋



2)      Several pieces dead on arrival – Please take a video of bag that contains dead fish on

         arrival. Bags must remain sealed and in their original packaging. After unpacking, please 

         lay dead fish out on flat surface and take a photo of the dead fish. If there are different

         varieties of dead fish they must be separated clearly.

         部分袋子的鱼已死 - 请记录货到时有死鱼袋子的影片,死鱼必须是在原本的袋子并




Please send all claims to WhatsApp number: 018-251 2400. All claims must include:

请发送所有影片/照片至 Whatsapp 号码:018-251 2400。必须包括以下项目:

1)  Shipment invoice number.

1)  发票号码

2)  Supporting videos and or photos.

2)  支持影片/照片

3)  Claim quantity.

3)  补偿数量


The claimed value will be adjusted into the respective user’s account as reward points that can be used in the next purchase,and the credit points are as of the same amount of the actual DOA claim value. Shipping costs is not refundable.



All claims are for items that are dead upon immediate box opening. We do not accept claims for dead fish if bags or seals have been broken. We also do not accept claims for dead fish after the fish have left its original packaging.






Kindly note that we accept no liability for consequential losses caused by behavior of fish purchased from us towards fish that customers already have in your respective tank.



Aquamark will also not be responsible for any mortality and or diseases put break to your existing fish stock in your tank by the introduction of our fish upon purchase.



All our fishes are quarantined and checked to be in good health, condition and free from clinical signs of disease before packing to be transported to our customers.
